The file is too big to be emailed?
Upload the file and e-mail the download link! Free!
FileBig.net is a free file sharing service.
To upload a folder with many files, please make a single file out of it using WinZip, 7zip, WinRar or another archiver.
User agreement
By using FileBig.net you agree with the following:
You have the legal rights to share and use the files.
2) The newly uploaded files are usually kept on the server if they are periodically downloaded. Files which have not been downloaded during a certain period of time or older files will be deleted.
The files are not harmful for people's souls and bodies.
4) The files are not related to the following
categories: anti-Christian, gaming, adult, alcohol, dating, drugs, tobacco,
viruses/malware, weight loss.
5) We
may look at the files, e-mails, IP addresses and messages used by you and by the
file recipients.
6) We may delete the files which we believe should not be shared.
7) We may delete the files which cause high load on our server, or consume much disk space, or files that have been stored at the server for a long time.
8) We may delete other files.