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The file is too big to be emailed?

Upload the file and e-mail the download link! Free!

FileBig.net is a free file sharing service.

To upload a folder with many files, please make a single file out of it using WinZip, 7zip, WinRar or another archiver.

Privacy policy

We do not disclose files and e-mail addresses uploaded into FileBig.net.

The files are stored at our server and will be deleted if they are not downloaded during a certain period of time. They can be deleted by other reasons - please check out the user agreement.

You can delete the files yourself using the delete links you obtained.

If you have lost the delete link, you can request the deletion of the file by sending us an e-mail to: CEO at TranslationDirectory.com

Please make sure you do not break any laws, including but not limited to copyright laws while sharing the files.

By using this site, you agree we may look at the files, e-mails, IP addresses and messages used by you and by the file recipients.